Sunday Funday
I have a short list of people who I clear my calendar for. My family, best friends, a certain lover and Tavi. When @chiataglance sends me an invite, I know good food, cocktails and wine will be had- good bye plans. Sunday [...]
I have a short list of people who I clear my calendar for. My family, best friends, a certain lover and Tavi. When @chiataglance sends me an invite, I know good food, cocktails and wine will be had- good bye plans. Sunday [...]
New Zealand Sauvignon Blanc producers are usually doing the most. Too much grapefruit, grass and or sugar. I rarely find one that is balanced. I don’t mind a dramatic wine but I prefer those that show some restraint. When a [...]
From Searching For Cloves and Lilies: The Wine Edition “I begin the chapter Agitation of the Waters with Psalm 139 because these poems expose the hidden and ask, “Who will love my darkness?” I paired it with the mysterious Chateau [...]
Song of the Champagne Witches: “Bubble, bubble toast and trouble”By Regine Rousseau, shamelessly inspired by William Shakespeare (Macbeth). Forgive me English Lit Professors. Bubble, bubble toast and trouble;Yeast and sugar added to bubble.Wines of a vintage past,In the bottle-crown- ferment;Riddle [...]
Happy Friday! We’re cheating on wine at The Swill Inn! I’m having the Tank 7 Farmhouse ale! I rarely drink beer but when I do... loving this refreshing Belgian-style ale! Appealing sweat-funk on the nose. Tangy citrus on the palate: [...]
The 2012 Canneto Vino Nobile di Montepulciano Riserva,DOCG, Tuscany, Italy is as pretty to look at as it is to drink. Gorgeous glossy ruby color. Spicy, fruity and earthy nose. Full bodied, and silky with red and black berries, balsamic, [...]
(17/30) Looking for my wine of the day? Check out 12/2018 issue of @wineenthusiast where I write about my “dream wine!” When you find it, post a pic or page number in the comment! Here’s a clue: HAPPY NEW YEAR!
When working on Searching for Cloves and Lilies: The Wine Edition, some of the wine and poetry parings came easily. While others were difficult. After making some minor edits to the poem, “Jean Loves Nicole,” I quickly decided which wine [...]
What’s in your glass? Tonight, I am cheating on wine with High West Yippee Ki-Yay whiskey! High West took their Double Rye, a blend of 2 to 16 years aged rye whiskeys and put it in barrels previously used to [...]
(13/30) If you’ve followed me for a few months you know that I have a deep-rooted love for Chardonnay. Yes, I said Chardonnay. Chardonnay may the most disrespected grape variety. Yes, I said it. Why? To be blunt there are [...]