Join Us For A Silent Walk


Please join Shall We Wine for a short, silent walk on Sunday, August 8th @ 11:00 a.m. CST. A silent walk begins with a prompt. We will then walk (about a mile) and end with a circle where we will discuss the [...]


Cocktail Hour Reconnect

Please join Regine T. Rousseau for a meetup on Friday, August 13th @ 6pm CST! We've missed you! Let's reconnect over cocktails!


French Toast Cookoff w/Chef Larry Tucker

Chicago 1160 W Grand Ave, Chicago, IL, United States

You Are Invited Shall We Wine's Regine Rosseau VS. Crazy Bird Chicken's Chef Larry Tucker are going head to head to compete who has the BEST, the MOST DELICIOUS, and the FRENCHIEST TOAST EVER! Come join Us & witness who [...]

Virtual Let’s Talk About Cannabis

The Kush Kollective will join us to talk about their cannabis business. BYOB and join in a lively discussion on representation and equity in the cannabis space. The Kush Kollective is a marketing and promotional business brand. Our mission is [...]


Join Us For A Silent Walk


Please join Shall We Wine for a short, silent walk on Sunday, August 29th @ 10:00 a.m. CST. A silent walk begins with a prompt. We will then walk (about a mile) and end with a circle where we will discuss the [...]


Knife Skills Class with Chef Brad Anderson

Online Event

You Are Invited Please join Regine T. Rousseau, Founder and CEO of Shall We Wine and Chef Brad Anderson for Knife Skills Class. The virtual event is on September 10, 2021 at 6:00 PM Central. You know Shall We Wine for [...]


Cocktail Hour at Hatch 41

HATCH 41 4131 S. STATE ST., Chicago, IL, United States

You Are Invited Please join Regine T. Rousseau, Founder and CEO of Shall We Wine, in person at Hatch 41 on September 24, 2021 at 6pm-730 PM Central. You know Shall We Wine for "putting you on" fabulous brands and [...]


Join Us For A Silent Walk


Please join Shall We Wine for a short, silent walk on Sunday, September 26th @ 10:00 a.m. CST. A silent walk begins with a prompt. We will then walk (about a mile) and end with a circle where we will discuss the [...]


Full Bodied White Wines

Online Event

Yes, you can drink white after Labor Day! We will explore full bodied white wines that will keep you warm in the winter. Chardonnay, Marsanne, Semillon Viognier Materials: Wine Folly The Essential Guide (Avery Press) Wine: Please choose a varietal [...]


Cocktail Hour With Corinne Joachim Sanon Symietz

Online Event

You Are Invited Please join Regine T. Rousseau, Founder and CEO of Shall We Wine and Corinne of Les Chocolateries Askanya on October 8, 2021 @ 6pm CST for a segment that's "All About Chocolate"! You know Shall We Wine for "putting [...]


International Champagne Day

Online Event

You Are Invited Please join Regine T. Rousseau, Founder and CEO of Shall We Wine for International Champagne Day on Friday, October 22, 2021 @ 7pm CST. You know Shall We Wine for "putting you on" fabulous brands and producers. With [...]


Dessert Wines

Online Event

Dessert wine is perhaps the oldest style of wine. Pre-dating biblical times and modern fermentation techniques, dessert wines were made around the world from a magnitude of different grapes. From muscat, to grenache, to ferment these wines have been about [...]

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