Who knew that being a homebody could help save the world? This is a very weird, scary time in history. While many of us have refreshed the news by the minute to keep up with the developments of COVID-19, some might be looking for a break from the pessimism occupying our brain spaces, even if it’s just for a little while. How about a virtual isolation book club?
Taking this time to challenge you all to curl up with a few books to read — our own little book club in the midst of the coronavirus. Even as a digital enthusiast myself, I find it important to have other avenues which limit screen time. Reading books is one way. Traditionally book clubs are centered around in-person discussions. However, one aspect of a book club which eclipses that face-to-face is that a book club is the spirit of a community. It’s a shared arrangement to use books to explore something new, to groupthink, to listen with purpose. There’s just something about a good book that no internet time can buy.
While it might be a challenging time to see silver linings, being enthralled in a book is one good way to self-care.
Not every selection listed is wine related, but all are rather great, purposeful reads. Let’s deep dive into these selections! Plus, I don’t know about you, but I would prefer to read a book than respond to the plethora of social media tags urging us to take 10 push-ups. Pour yourself a glass of wine or make yourself a cocktail, and read with the isolation book club!
Note: If you find yourself reading one of these selections during quarantine, take a picture and post to any of your social media handles with the hashtag #ShallWeWinePutMeOn.
Happy isolation reading!

Searching for Cloves and Lilies: The Wine Edition
A must read from your one and only Shall We Wine rock-star Regine T. Rousseau! Maybe you’ve thumbed around a few poems already but haven’t read it in its entirety. Maybe you haven’t read it at all. Read it. This is Regine’s second installment of Searching for Cloves and Lilies, except she pairs each poem with a wine. The breadth of poetry is magnetizing; each emotion defined by a specific wine selection.

Year of Yes: How to Dance It Out, Stand in the Sun and Be Your Own Person
Burnout and stress really can manifest themselves in funky ways. What happens when you say “yes” to more things in your life? While a few of the points made in the book aren’t exactly shelter-in-place friendly for the current immediate time, the idea of a complete mindset shift (even when you take away the social engagements) can do wonders for the psyche.

Mixtape Potluck Cookbook
While the dinner party you are cooking for might very well be for a party of one instead of 10, cookbooks are a great way to occupy your time during social distancing. I probably own more cookbooks than I really should, and many end up just as coffee table weight. This one is different. It takes it to another level by Questlove, weaving in the nostalgia of the mixtape. More often than not we use cookbooks more to find particular recipes rather than to actually read them for content. But this is a very entertaining read.

99 Bottles: A Black Sheep’s Guide to Life-Changing Wines
André Hueston Mack is an award-winning sommelier, winemaker, and designer but there is also plenty of comic relief in this book! Not only is each personal narrative unique, but it’s a great way to learn about different wines through the lenses of something more accessible. A quick note to really reach through each wine explanation. Some may be quick to judge on some of the wine selections but there are valid reasons for each selection.

Champagne (Boxed Book & Map Set)
Champagne geeks, unite! This really is more of a reference book, but it’s totally a different experience actually reading this book cover-to-cover. Try it! From the maps to in-depth producer profiles, this is the most comprehensive Champagne resource out there.
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