Blog Archive
Knockoff or Knockless? SWW Weighs In.
There is the scientific art form of the wine itself. Then there is the physical, visible art of what makes it to the product line: the wine label. If there is any piece of advice I reiterate until I’m blue in the face more than the drill of [happily] breaking [...]
Happy Wednesday, I am the taking a break from sharing a 'Wine of the Week' to share some exciting news. Regine T Rousseau, Founder of Shall We Wine as been nominated for Enthusiast’s Wine Star Awards. The nomination is for 2020 Wine Educator of the Year! Congratulations to all the [...]
Transform Your Wine & Chocolate Pairing
Pairing wine with chocolate can be a bit of a hurdle—the complexity is almost intimidating. But complexity can be tamed. We were given a chance to rethink that nearly ubiquitous pairing in a whole new light, featuring little hand-crafted works of art from Phillip Ashley Chocolates. Phillip Ashley Rix, Photo [...]
The Original Sparkling Wine – Wine of The Week
Champagne is often credited as the "first sparkling wine produced." Although it may be the most well-known, it was not the first sparkling wine created. That title belongs to Blanquette de Limoux created in 1531, over 100 years prior to Champagne. Blanquette de Limoux was first made in Saint Hilaire [...]
One Wine 3 Meals: Nieport’s 2015 Vertente Wine of The Week
The Coravin Wine Preservation system has changed my life! Prior to covid, I could not wrap my head around why someone would need a coravin ( My habit was to open a bottle and either finish it or share it with a neighbor. Once we pivoted to virtual events, and [...]
Plant Parent Wine Inspiration
One diversion output of 2020—aside from the influx of new banana bread makers—is the yield of new plant parents. Succulents, snake plants, eucalyptus, you name it. Along for the ride is the resurgence of in-vogue macrame plant hanger enthusiasts. I don’t know what it is. Maybe it’s something about tending, [...]
2017 Miner Gary’s Vineyard Pinot Noir
I have never been much for small talk. I crave deep and though provoking conversations, especially now that we are sheltered in place. This may explain my podcast addiction. Recently, when my friend Kara stopped by for a social distancing visit, my prayers for real talk were answered. “Pick a [...]
A 411 On Pivots In Wine
With all the twists, turns and plot twists 2020 has brought us, it might even be mistaken that it is solely this year responsible for the changing dynamics within the world of wine itself. It really isn’t. And while much of that exact world is in the seam of (finally) [...]
My Favorite Neighbor 2016
Full disclosure, I bought my first bottle of Booker Vineyard’s “My Favorite Neighbor 2016” because of the label(s). The artwork on the label showed several of the winemaker’s Paso Robles neighbors. HOWEVER, the second and third times I purchased and recommended this rich deep full-bodied wine was all about the [...]