Blog Archive
5 Wineries to Visit in Napa In 2024
Have you ever driven through a fancy neighborhood like Beverly Hills and dreamt of being invited inside one of the homes for a glass of wine? Well, tasting wine in Napa is like stepping into a world where that fantasy becomes reality. There are some wineries that not only [...]
Exploring the Versatility of Vinhos Verdes Wines
It’s no secret that I am a fan of the wines of Vinhos Verdes DOC. Last year, I did a deep dive into the white wines of the region for two TV appearances, and my understanding and appreciation grew. I tasted over 25 Vinhos Verdes wines and was [...]
Just Do It, and Other Strategies to Become a Badass!
I am honored to introduce Chasity Cooper; writer, author, and wine culture expert based in Chicago.Chasity makes the world of wine more accessible by capturing stories of its places and people. Her recently published book, Wine Convo Generator, is an example of her commitment to demystifying wine speak and [...]
Eco-Chic Sips: 7 Wine Gems to Drink for Earth Day
Earth Day, Apr 22, 2024 — Gear up to toast to Mother Earth! With Earth Day just around the corner, we prepare to celebrate our planet's beauty and resilience by sipping on wines that embody sustainability and eco-consciousness. Earth Day serves as a poignant reminder to make mindful choices [...]
Exploring Paso Robles: A Wine Lover’s Guide to California’s Central Coast
In recognition of the upcoming anniversary of the May 24, 1976 Judgment of Paris wine competition I am dedicating my next two TV segments to Great American Wines. This historic event, held in celebration of the American Bicentennial in Paris, pitted French wines against California counterparts in a blind tasting [...]
5 Budget Friendly Wines That Taste Like You Broke The Piggy Bank
They Go High We Go Low A sommelier approaches, a wine bottle wrapped in a brown paper bag in her left hand. Scotch tape secures the bag around the bottle's neck, swirls around its cylinder middle and grips the bottom. There is no chance of seeing the label, the foil [...]
My (Wine) God is a Woman
Shall We Wine is creating a space for wine enthusiasts, professionals and newbies other voices to share their wine stories. As part of our 'Women in Wine' focus, we introduce you to Elvira Fonz Gutiérrez, who shares part of her wine story in her own words. [...]
Meet Winemaker Justine Osilla of Kabayan Wines
This Women's History Month, I would like to highlight winemaker Justine Osilla of Kabayan Wines. Among the more than 4,200 wineries dotting the Californian landscape, only (a notable yet modest) 14% boast female winemakers at their helm. This statistic not only highlights the growing presence of women in a [...]
Celebrating Women in Wine: Trailblazers Shaping the Wine Industry
In honor of Women's History Month, we're thrilled to highlight four remarkable women who are making waves in the world of wine. From crafting exceptional wines to breaking barriers and redefining industry standards, these women are true “Wonder Women of Wine” whose stories inspire and empower us all. Let's raise [...]