25 02, 2020

Fruit-forward vs. Sweet Wines

By |2020-02-25T17:34:19-06:00February 25th, 2020|Blogs, Food and Wine|

Fruit-forward vs. Sweet wines - what are they? Sweetness and fruitiness are often interchanged by honest mistake, in the same way a sparkling Cava might be called "Champagne"... honest mistake. In these particular cases, a fruit-forward wine is perceived to [...]

10 02, 2020

Not Your Average Valentine Gift

By |2020-02-10T15:36:39-06:00February 10th, 2020|Blogs, Food and Wine|

The Valentine Gift. Hopeless romantic or not, the aura of love season is in full effect. To tell you the truth, while hot reservations and expensive Champagne are easily fractions of my heart’s paramour, nothing beats a little thoughtfulness, a [...]

3 02, 2020

A Custoza Wine Love Affair

By |2020-02-03T22:38:06-06:00February 3rd, 2020|Blogs, Wine Travel|

Italian wines have long been an irresistible puzzle. With its endless grape varieties and enormous production, I admit to being overwhelmed by its immensity. Italian wines are like a magnetizing lover, attracting and demanding your full concentration. Every region a [...]

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